
Oh poor webpage/blog I have forsaken you (temporarily) for the new to me shiny toy, Instagram…

I have discovered Instagram recently.  At first I was using it to scope for jobs at places I would like to work. I signed up for Instagram and Twitter at the same time.  Twitter quickly became annoying, like little birds chirping all the time, with all its reminders, and ‘look at this’, ‘see so and so is doing that’ and ‘you absolutely can’t miss…’  When I start yelling at an inanimate object about how much I don’t care and would it just stop barraging me with inane information, it is time to jump off that boat.  Admittedly, it is not so unusual for me to yell at inanimate objects but it is usually because they refuse to work in the fashion I wish them to, or because someone thought it was a good idea to make them give me asinine instructions.

I take a lot of photos. Lots and lots and lots of photos. My external hard drive is so full of photos I can’t fit another single one in. I take pictures of kids, dogs, food, plants, bugs, animals, architecture, things I find interesting and they reside in little tiny bits of information, in a little tiny box on my desk, never to see the light of day. I thought about making myself a project of posting a photo every day on Instagram.  I started a couple of weeks ago. The photos in my hard drive have yet to see the light of day, but I am having fun finding new things to take pictures of.

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