Geese landing

This morning as I was walking in the drizzle, pretending it wasn’t as cold as it was, I watched as a pair of geese landed.  I know I have watched geese land on water, which is a beautiful thing to observe, but I am not sure I have witnessed or maybe paid attention them landing on the ground.  This morning they caught my attention.  I watched their descent, the gradual cupping of their wings and the awkward position of their legs as they prepared to execute their landing.  I looked around and wondered how much runway they would need, seeing as this was in a cemetery and there are headstones everywhere.  My pondering was for naught, as when their feet hit the ground it was only two or three steps before they looked like they were always right where they were standing.  Amazing, effortless, complex, simple, beautiful.

Geese - spring 2012

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