The story of the kitchen goose

Today, I made a spring hat for my kitchen goose.  My kitchen goose resides on a shelf above my stove, surveying all that happens around it.  It became part of my kitchen five years ago.  My husband and I bought it while we were visiting Quebec City from the gift shop in the Chateau Frontinac.  We weren’t staying there.  We were camping across the river, but ended up in the lobby because I can be very inquisitive.  That was our first trip away from our kids since we became parents.  We hadn’t been gone 24 hours when calamity struck.  My not quite trained dog had decided to pursue a squirrel while attached to my mother-in-law, causing her to go flying off the porch.  She didn’t bounce so well and as my son said to us, “We broke Grandma”.  Our inclination was to return home as fast as our car would carry us, but we were told clearly that we were not to cut our trip short (even though Grandma had broken her collar bone from her brief experience with flying).  We wandered around the city convincing ourselves that it was okay to finish our trip, when we found the goose.  The goose reminded me of a duck, an Indian Running duck, that I have wanted as a pet for many years no matter how impractical having a duck for a pet is.  The goose was originally dressed up for Christmas, but since then it has had paper party hats, sun hats, scarves, a toque, bunny ears, and a bikini.  Maybe the hat I made today is the beginning of a more permanent wardrobe.  The hat is very fetching.  I still want a duck.

kitchen goose with hat

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