Artist Statement

Say there is a pile of cheese sticks on the floor, and on the wall next to the cheese sticks is an artist statement saying that the cheese sticks represent the decline of the North American diet.  The size of the pile indicates the expansion of the collective waistband, its position on the floor communicates its nutrition value, the number of cheese sticks used show the percentage of the population suffering from obesity and other health issues from poor nutrition, and how important it is to the artist that they articulate this tragedy into the subconscious of their audience through the use of this common snack food… In another part of the gallery an open bag of cheese sticks falls to the floor, snuck in by an individual who knows food is not allowed in art galleries but whatever.  Is one pile art and the other an accident? Does the one with the statement have more value then the other?  Is the art the thought process and words or is art the skills required to execute an idea into a visual format?  Without the words would the cheese sticks communicate the artist’s intentions to their intended audience?

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