Getting up

I used to be a ‘get up and get moving’ morning person.  Early to bed, early to rise was a good thing to me.  Then I had children.  At first it was the being awake every couple of hours during the night that made mornings start to lag.  We eventually got through that, but being the ultimate decision makers about our daily flow… well, the start of the day and the end of the day moved into the later time slot.  Now I am once again working, my schedule is not completely my own to command.  I have to get up to accomplish the things I want to accomplish before I have to head to my place of employment.  The hard thing is that when my dear husband gets up, he lets the dogs up.  It is a mean thing to remove yourself from a puppy pile.  Trying to convince yourself that doing the exercises you dread is more important than snuggling with the dogs for an extra half hour…oliveandhazel

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